Preparing for 2018
As the 2018 racing season is quickly approaching, we are searching out all of the tracks schedules and praying about when and where God wants us this season. Our earnest prayer is that God puts us in the right place at the right time to minister to people and share Jesus with them.
When you put lots of horse power in light weight vehicles and stomp on the gas pedal, things not only go fast but thing can go wrong very fast. We are praying that we do not have to work any serious accidents during the 2018 season. We were at the hospital several times in 2017, fortunately nothing life threatening but we often get unexpectedly placed in situations where we need God’s guidance, comfort and wisdom.
Our whole family is involved in this ministry (which I absolutely love). God uses Cheryl and the girls to reach people I never could. I am excited to see what God does through my amazing wife and those special girls God has given us.
If you would not mind, we would appreciate you adding these to your prayer list.
1. Our Schedule
2. Wisdom for the situations we are placed in
3. For God to use us
4. For souls to be saved
5. Finances to get to these locations God calls us to
6. Lives to be strengthened and impacted for Christ
7. Safety as we travel
8. Energy to keep up with a rigorous schedule with youth ministry, racing ministry and working full time jobs to keep the family going.
9. Safety of drivers
10. Track owners to be open to our presence.
A very special thanks for your friendship, prayer support and financial support. We certainly can’t do it alone. It is way bigger than us and God has given us an amazing support team.
May God Bless,
The Caraway’s
Luke 14:23 And the master said to the servant, Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.